Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Messing Up

Life has been very good to me. We are blessed with another beautiful girl named Coralee on October 23, 2015. We have been leading our youth group for a year now and it is amazing helping these teens in this time of their life. God has given me so many blessings. 

Then at times I am a terrible husband. My wife is a quality time person( the one thing that shows her the most how much I love her). This is the one thing I keep messing up on it seems like every time. Today it was not coming home from a meeting with enough time for her to get ready to come with me to a doctors appointment and to do some shopping after. Of course I stayed and talked with the guys too long. 

I want to change this about me and I just haven't done it. I want to be there for my wife. She needs this time from me and I don't do the right thing. I pray to God to help me and I don't give it to him. I keep thinking it's no prob, "i" can do this myself. Obviously I can not. My wife deserves so much better than this. And I still tend to get my priorities mixed up. I get distracted with the things around me. The devil knows how to distract me. This is me now calling out the devil in the name of Jesus. Leave me along, take your distractions and shove it! I will walk the path God has made for me and my family. I hope that putting this out there will help me as a reminder of what I should be doing for my family. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Winter Fun

Even though it's cold outside, so ya has a lot of fun being outside. 
She loves being pulled on the sled or as long as I can pull her. She does not want to get off unless it's to play on her playground that she calls "Sonya's park" or the one in the park one street over from our house. 
And when we spend time inside we like to exercise too. 


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Going out.

We did our first big trip out with baby Sonya. Candice has been doing really well with her recovery from her c section. Sonya is enjoy the car rides. We went to my in laws for supper and give out a birthday gift. Always a good visit
Sonya and I had done a trip around town about two weeks ago. I needed to go out and was the right time in the day and was able to take Sonya with me. We had a blast seeing people at work and up town. Visited the school I work at and the the fire chief and a short stop at the local farm service. Don't forget the stop at the post office where I ran into a lot of people that were excited to see Sonya for the first time. We got back home just in time for Candice to text and ask where is my baby and Sonya was just getting hungry too.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Its been a long time without a post and this one doesn't really count cause it is just a video link. This about a guy in NY city complaining about bike lanes.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Phone Camera

Last Saturday Claudia and I were out walking and we found these flowers.

Then last night I was just playing with the options on my camera phone and took the picture of our chandelier. I think it looks cool and old school.


Thursday, September 06, 2012

Baby is Growing

Look at our beautiful baby, and my sexy wife.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Red Sunflower

Tried a new restaurant today. The look inside was very nice and clean and modern. Service was good, food was great, just took some time to get it. Overall it was good, and I would go back again.